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Action on Salt

Get involved!

Every year hospitals, GP surgeries, sports centres, pharmacies, football clubs, schools, libraries, universities, councils, businesses, charities and other interested parties hold their own events to support Salt Awareness Week. In 2011 over 500 events took place around the country providing lots of opportunities for our message to be seen and heard.

If you are interested in hosting an event in support of Salt Awareness Week 2012 please visit our resources page to order some leaflets or posters to help with your event.

Resources available for this years Salt Awareness Week include:

Event Ideas

  • Try running some cookery demonstrations with taste testing sessions and provide some low salt recipes to convince people that low salt doesn’t mean low flavour.
  • Organise a quiz on the effects that salt has on health and the simple ways to reduce salt intake.
  • Run practical activities involving
             - guessing how much salt is in a meal*
             - arranging a selection of meals from highest to lowest salt content*
             - spooning out how much salt you think is 6g or how much is in a meal*

* Use products such as ready meals, pizza, cheese and pickle sandwich, ham roll, marmite on toast or a bowl of cornflakes with milk.

  • Have visual displays including
              - A high salt product vs. equivalent number of crisps/burgers etc…
              - Packaging of cereals/sauces/ready meals with high salt
  • If you work in catering you could think about removing salt cellars from eating areas and/or replacing them with Lo-Salt or mixed dried herbs. The chefs could also do low or not salt cooking. See if anyone notices the change!

If you do hold an event please let us know about it and send in some photos to

Good Luck!

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